Magical Manifesting – EFT and Your Vision Board

EFT Vision Board Sessions – Magical Manifesting

I have know so many clients who create an amazing, colourful and inspiring vision boards, but nothing ever seems to change! In most cases it is purely down deep seated or subconscious beliefs like ‘I don’t really deserve it’. If you don’t change your vibration – energy – beliefs it is unlikely your dreams will become reality.

I love working with clients and getting them crystal clear on what you want, tapping and focusing on your goals and desires and releasing all the ‘old stuff’ and raising your vibe so you can attract your vision.

We can create your vision board together or you can create it and bring it along to your sessions.

What is your vision for your future? Is it crystal clear? Have you written it down in all it’s glorious detail? Do you make time everyday to play out your perfect life, relationship, career?

We have to deeply engage all our senses when we really want something. Just thinking about something nice, just isn’t going to cut it.

Creative visualisation, meditation are all key to manifesting our desires. BUT what happens if we have a deep seated belief that it will never come true or  don’t deserve it – WELL quite simply… you won’t get what you want.

Create your vision, make a Vision Board and include pictures, photos, quotes and anything that really sings out to your heart. Then Tap! Tap and Tap again. Look at your board and tap on each element and unlock any limiting beliefs that may be putting an energetic hold on your dreams.

I would love to assist you on your Vision Board journey.

We set aside 4 Vision Board Coaching and EFT sessions and get clear, dig deep and bust through those old blocks… and release the stuck energy. You will feel inspired to make the right choices, take the intuitively right steps and finally start to see your dreams come true.

Contact me on 020 8894 7343 or 0771 4257461 or pop me a message through this link