How stress plays out in everyday life

Signs you may be stressed…

Hello lovelies,

A quick check-in to see how you’re feeling. Sometimes we don’t recognise just how stressed we’ve become. We carry on regardless, hoping the feelings will just magically disappear (if only!)

It’s time to get some help If you’re experiencing any of the following….

  • Feeling anxious or depressed
  • Irritable
  • Restless
  • Overwhelmed
  • Unfocused
  • Unmotivated
  • Unclear when making decisions
  • Relentless worrying / negative thinking
  • Difficulty going to sleep or have broken sleep

…these are just some of the ways stress plays a part in everyday life – I will leave the physical health stuff for next time!

Come and learn a simple, yet powerful way of reducing stress and feel calm and in control. Once you’ve learnt this life changing technique you can use it any time and any place.

With all the sad/bad news we hear day after day it can be difficult to find peace and happiness.

Contact me at or call 0771 4257461

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How Can Coaching Help Me?

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