Mindset & Emotional WellBeing Expert, EFT (Tapping) Practitioner, Intuitive Consultant
Hello and welcome.
I’m Heidi Wells helping you say goodbye to stress, self-doubt, imposter syndrome and unhealthy relationships.
Having worked with 100’s of ladies over many years with Coaching and Intuitive Consultations I now offer Emotional Freedom Technique – it has been quite truly life changing for myself and my clients.
I’ve recognised the need delve deeper to achieve real and lasting change and Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) is the solution and I absolutely love it.
- Certified Life Coach
- Accredited Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner
- Qualified Mindfulness / Meditation Teacher
- Intuitive Consultant – 20 Years experience
- Member of The Association of Coaching
- Member of the EFT and Mindfulness Centre
- Member of The Best Psychic Directory (by invitation)

My Story
When I first discovered EFT it truly changed my life….
I was involved in a major car accident at the age of 21. It was a head on collision at 70 mph and I was trapped in a burning car.
It was lucky I was wearing rings as my right hand went straight through the windscreen, I would have lost my fingers otherwise. When I finally managed to get out of the car, something inside me said ‘don’t pass out, you must stay awake’ and I fought as hard as I could to remain conscious.
I remember the fire engines and ambulances and I was taken to hospital where they patched up my fingers and put me in a white collar for the whiplash.
Physically I was very very lucky and so was my friend who had been driving. The physical healing took a while, glass was still coming out of my hands for years.
Emotionally I was spent, anxiety took hold. I went for a drive in my car and had my first major panic attack, I couldn’t breathe I thought I was dying.
That car accident changed my life…
That night changed my life. I was always a happy-go-lucky sort of girl and suddenly I didn’t recognise myself. I saw Doctors, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, lots of them but nothing worked. I still felt the same, this lead to depression and anxiety.
I was given all sorts of drugs, valium, anti-depressants, sleeping pills. I blanked out for 6 months and I couldn’t remember much of that time.
My mental issues got so bad that I was booked in for Electric Shock Treatment. A few weeks before I was due to go into hospital I started reading up on depression, anxiety and panic attacks and I came off all the drugs on my own.
I convinced everyone I was OK, (there was no way I was going to have electric shock treatment – I don’t know if you have watched ‘one flew over the cuckoo’s nest’ but I have!). So I carried on my life with trauma, anxiety and I shut it down and suffered from anxiety for the next 25 years.
Emotional Freedom Technique gave me my life back
In 2007 I came across Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping). I went on a training course with Judy Byrne an amazing lady and one of the first to train with Gary Craig which is where EFT started.
During the practitioner training I asked to be the volunteer, sitting in front of the class with no idea what I was in for, but I was determined to rid myself of the emotional trauma of the accident.
WOW, I can honestly say it felt like a miracle, we tapped through all the layers of trauma, my feelings and emotions, many tears and tissues…..
The trauma and emotional charge had completely disappeared
When I think about the accident today, I can still see it in my mind, every second of it – but I have no emotional charge or triggers whatsoever.
I’m still amazed, I don’t feel sick, unable to breathe or anxious. If only I’d found EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) earlier it would have saved me over 20 years of anguish, anxiety, stress and sadness.
I have gone on to use this incredible technique for many aspects in my life and I now work with professional women who struggle with self-doubt, anxiety and the ‘secret’ belief they aren’t good enough.
Resolving and releasing these deep-held emotions has had a profoundly positive effect on every area of their lives.
A great self-help tool that you can continue to use with life’s ups and downs.
Happiness is an inside job…
Having worked with 100’s of women over the years and recognised the need to delve deeper to achieve real and lasting change, I now offer Emotional Freedom Technique within my Coaching Sessions and it’s been truly life changing.